Our Projects

Reuniting Families from the Middle East & African Countries

In 2020, we started addressing systemically unlawful administrative practices in family reunification procedures of family members residing outside the EU. Our focus lies on families from East Africa but we are currently expanding our work to the Middle East. The project is implemented in close cooperation with our partner International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP).

We provide legal aid to the concerned families and strategically litigate unlawful embassy practices. The cases are mainly referred to us through the UNHCR Family Reunification Project. We focus on children and youth at-risk who are stuck in third countries and want to reunify with their family members who have already received international protection in EU countries.

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About this project

Information Event for Refugee Children Waiting to Join Their Fathers and or Mothers in Ethiopia Anonymous 2020
Information Event for Refugee Children Waiting to Join Their Fathers and or Mothers in Ethiopia Anonymous 2020. Our Visual Policy.

While many of those we assist have the legal right to family reunification, this right is void when there is a lack of legal assistance. In our work, we have witnessed the family reunification rejections which are inconsistent with the EU Directive on Family Reunification and the basic tenets of international refugee law. We have therefore identified the main obstacles that families face when trying to enforce their right to family reunification, and are now in the process of challenging those before courts. In addition, we share our knowledge with other lawyers and counselors by organizing workshops and publishing legal articles.

We are currently assisting approximately fifty families in East Africa and the Middle East in their attempts to reunify with their loved ones.

We have organized and participated in several workshops and trainings with German lawyers and social workers, published several articles in legal journals, and drafted templates for court submissions that we share with other lawyers and social workers for their use. We also published an expert opinion concerning the obstacles that Eritrean families face in obtaining official documentation, which our partners have confirmed as crucial in their efforts to enforce the right to family reunification before German courts.

If you do not tolerate the injustice that people on the move face at European borders, donate to our individual legal aid projects.

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Equal Rights Beyond Borders consists of two separately registered legal entities in Greece and Germany.

Civil Non-Profit Company (AMKE)
Emm. Mpenaki 69A, 10681 Athens
+30 210 3803067, athens@equal-rights.org

Tax No.: 996887928, Tax Office: D’ Athens
Registry No. (GEMI): 151850501000
NGO Registry No.: ID 3058

Gemeinnütziger Verein (e.V.)
Zimmerstraße 11, 10969 Berlin

Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg
VR 35583 B