Support Equal Rights!

As a non-profit organisation providing free legal aid to people on the move in Greece, Germany and the EU, we depend on your donations - to cover the costs that arise - be it court fees, administrative costs, or the salaries of colleagues. You can help us with an individual donation or become a member to support our work sustainably. 
Donate Now!

Team Equal Rights Beyond Borders - Aora Helmzadeh - 2023
Team Equal Rights Beyond Borders - Aora Helmzadeh - 2023. Our Visual Policy.

If you prefer to transfer money in a traditional way, use our donation account with the reference "Donation" and send us an email so that we can thank you. Or you can use our supporting membership application form to donate regularly:

Equal Rights Beyond Borders e.V.
IBAN DE47 4306 0967 1209 3013 00
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG

You can also donate via PayPal!

Thanks to your donation we were able to make a big difference in 2022

4 Offices
12 Lawyers
4 Cultural Mediators
4 Administrative Colleague
4 Volunteer Lawyers
Budget: 660.000 EUR
45.000 EUR individual donations
6 Reports and Briefs
More than 550 cases *
7 Major Lawsuits to High and International Courts
5 Meetings or Delegations with Political Decision makers
2 Organized Conferences
* This is how we count our cases: A “case” hardly describes the amount of work involved. An interview preparation can be done in two hours, a case before a supreme court takes several years and thousands of pages of paper. Persons also have numerous legal problems, they may be in detention and face problems in the asylum process, etc. We therefore do not like to use the term “case”, but it is often called for as a parameter; in this context it describes persons, not legal steps taken.

Frequently Asked Questions

For tax payers in Germany: As Equal Rights Beyond Borders is recognised as a non-profit organisation both in Germany and in Greece, donations to our association are 100% tax-deductible. For tax payers in other countries: Please contact us in case you need further information.

With a Christmas donation, you enable us to fight alongside refugees and asylum seekers in Greece, Germany and the EU, challenge systematic human rights violations and work for the dignity and equality of our clients.

Christmas time is not only a religious fest, it is also a special family time. Most of our clients live under dire conditions which do not allow them to be with their families. Your contribution helps us to change this: Our work focuses on family reunification. We reunite family members staying in Greek camps with their loved ones in other EU countries and refugee children from camps in Eastern Africa and the Middle East with their parents in the EU.

Thank you for your lived solidarity and merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!

If you would also like to raise awareness and funds for Equal Rights Beyond Borders at in-house, political or charity events, we would be glad to receive an email to We will then send you our print material.

As a corporate organisation, you can also donate to Equal Rights Beyond Borders. For example, with a Christmas donation you enable us to fight alongside refugees and asylum seekers in Greece, Germany and the EU against systematic human rights violations and for the dignity and equality of our clients.

If you would also like to raise awareness and funds for Equal Rights Beyond Borders at in-house or public events, we would be happy to receive an email to to send you our print material.

Due to our values and principles, we do not accept donations from some industries. These include, among others, the arms and armaments industry and extractive industries (natural gas, oil, gold, diamonds, etc.). This also applies to foundations and associations that are close to or associated with the before-mentioned industries. If you are uncertain whether Equal Rights Beyond Borders can accept donations from your company, association or foundation, please contact us before making a donation. Thank you very much!

We are very glad that you have become aware of us and would like to support us with the help of fines and penalties from discontinued investigation and court proceedings in helping refugees and asylum seekers to obtain their rights.

If you would like to donate fines and penalties to us, please transfer the money to our donation account with the reference "Fines" or "Penalties":

Equal Rights Beyond Borders e.V.
IBAN DE47 4306 0967 1209 3013 00
GLS Community Bank eG

After making your transfer, please send us an e-mail to so that we can thank you.

We provide special bank transfer forms with the note "Not tax-deductible". We inform the courts and public prosecutors' offices annually about the amount and use of the fines and penalties assigned to us.

We are very glad that you want to support Equal Rights Beyond Borders to help refugees and asylum seekers in the EU in their struggle for their rights.

We are currently creating ways for people to donate to us and organise their own fundraisers for Equal Rights Beyond Borders online and offline.

As soon as this is possible, we will let you know! However, please let us know of your interest today by sending an email to

To make a gift donation to a friend, please use our donation form with the selection "Gift Donation". Enter the person's name and email and they will be notified of your gift with a gift donation certificate.

Of course, you can also give not only an individual donation but also a supporting membership as a gift.

We are currently setting up opportunities for people to donate to us and to organise their own fundraising activities for Equal Rights Beyond Borders online and offline.

As soon as this is possible, we will inform you! However, please let us know about your interest today by sending an email to

Because we do not work with professional fundraising companies at Equal Rights Beyond Borders, 100% of your donations go to refugees and asylum seekers who are supported by our advocates and interpreters in their fight for dignity, equality and justice.

Equal Rights Beyond Borders does not receive government funding. Currently, the largest part of our funding is provided by private and public foundations and institutions, which you can find under our partners and supporters.

Currently, about 10% of our funding comes from individual donations and regular donations from supporting members. In order to become more independent and sustainable, we urgently need to raise more donations to pay salaries of lawyers and interpreters and sustain the work of our four offices in Greece and Germany.

If you would like to change the modalities of your supporting membership including the amount of your regular donation, or if you would like to cancel your donation to us, please send an e-mail to

Generally, we send out all donation receipts for a whole year in February of the following year. As regulated under German law, a donation receipt is only necessary as proof for the tax office if the annual amount donated exceeds €300. For amounts below this, your bank statement is sufficient. You can also use our "simplified donation receipt". In other countries, the regulations may differ.

When filling out the donation form, please make sure to indicate your wish for a donation receipt if you would like to receive one.

If you need your donation receipt sooner than February of the following year, please let us know. The contact address is

Supporting members allow Equal Rights Beyond Borders to become more independent and sustainable because we have more funding available for administration, public relations, staff costs and, above all, unforeseeable court and official costs.

As social and political changes take time, we depend on citizens and organisations to send a signal of solidarity with their regular contribution against systematic human rights violations in the EU.

Our supporting members help us, especially in the difficult conditions for NGOs in Greece, to carry out our work and fight for the rights of refugees and asylum seekers. We won’t stop our legal work, even in the face of adversity, which is why we depend on citizens and organisations who donate more than just once.

We offer just about all possible payment methods. You can pay by direct debit, automatic bank transfer, credit card, or via PayPal.

If you would like to make a classic transfer, please use our donation account with the reference "donation":

Equal Rights Beyond Borders e.V.
IBAN DE47 4306 0967 1209 3013 00
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG

Please send us an email to after your bank transfer so that we can thank you.

There are two ways to support us: You can give an individual donation once, or you can become a supporting member and donate on a regular basis. In either case, you decide how much you donate. As a supporting member, you also decide how often and when you donate.

For all questions about donations and finances, you can contact us at Sometimes we receive a lot of emails, but you will get an answer within a few days. Thank you for your patience!

With our GLS Bank eG donation form, we only collect the data we need for your donation. We process your personal data lawfully and limit any use of personal data to what is strictly necessary. We treat your personal data respectfully, confidentially and in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). As a matter of course, we will not disclose your personal data to third parties without your consent unless we are required to do so by law, i.e. in the case of legitimate interest as defined in the GDPR. We take all required security measures to protect your personal data. You can read our full privacy policy.

Equal Rights Beyond Borders consists of two separately registered legal entities in Greece and Germany. Both are recognised as non-profit organisations in the field of legal aid for refugees. Accountability is very important to us, so for transparency reasons you can find our legal documents and reports online.

Stay in touch and get regular updates on our projects, cases and campaigns!

This is the English version of our newsletter. If you would like to receive the German version, please click here.

Equal Rights Beyond Borders consists of two separately registered legal entities in Greece and Germany.

Civil Non-Profit Company (AMKE)
Emm. Mpenaki 69A, 10681 Athens
+30 210 3803067,

Tax No.: 996887928, Tax Office: D’ Athens
Registry No. (GEMI): 151850501000
NGO Registry No.: ID 3058

Gemeinnütziger Verein (e.V.)
Zimmerstraße 11, 10969 Berlin

Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg
VR 35583 B