Our Projects

Combating Sexual and Gender-Based Violence

The degrading living conditions, overcrowded camps, and the mass detention of people on the move ignores vulnerable people in particular and at the same time is a breeding ground for violence – especially against women (cis and trans), inter and agender people (from here on referred to as women*). Without sufficient medical care, adequate housing and overall assistance, survivors of SGBV are left completely alone.

There is no access to protection in the camp and no mechanisms or procedures in place to establish it or who to turn to in case of violence. Survivors of SGBV regardless of whether the violence occurred in the home country, on the flight or after arrival in Greece – are left without protection, medical – including psychological – care or any legal support. Lack of shelters, common sanitary facilities, rooms that cannot be locked, and general overcrowding, as well as the complete absence of sensitized security personnel and social workers in the camp, lead to considerable insecurity and danger for women* - especially those travelling alone.

At the same time the overall situation in the camps, the feeling of helplessness and hopelessness paired with the fact that many of the people on the move are traumatized can lead to violence and assaults – particularly on women*.

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About this project

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Img 0003. Our Visual Policy.

With our project we want to ensure a better understanding of the support needed, the procedures in place, and the work with traumatized and endangered women* to increase our capacity in representing survivors of SGBV to cover the needs that we have identified over the last years.

Through a targeted focus, we aim to raise awareness regarding support needs and build cooperations and a support-network with other organizations.

At the same time this project intends to represent survivors - especially on Chios. Through individual legal representation we identify and represent cases of SGBV. We hereby follow a holistic approach, which includes not only representation in the asylum procedure but also in criminal proceedings and matters of family law.

If you do not tolerate the injustice that people on the move face at European borders, donate to our individual legal aid projects.

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Equal Rights Beyond Borders consists of two separately registered legal entities in Greece and Germany.

Civil Non-Profit Company (AMKE)
Emm. Mpenaki 69A, 10681 Athens
+30 210 3803067, athens@equal-rights.org

Tax No.: 996887928, Tax Office: D’ Athens
Registry No. (GEMI): 151850501000
NGO Registry No.: ID 3058

Gemeinnütziger Verein (e.V.)
Zimmerstraße 11, 10969 Berlin

Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg
VR 35583 B