Our Projects

Opposing Unlawful Detention

We focus on addressing the illegal systemic detention scheme on the island of Kos as well as on the Greek mainland.

The only pre-removal detention centre on the Eastern Aegean islands is located on Kos. Since January 2020, asylum seekers have been detained upon arrival and held in detention for the duration of their asylum proceedings with very little exception, including single women, survivors of torture and gender-based violence, families, and people with serious medical conditions.

After opening our Kos office in January 2021, we began addressing the unlawful detention practices as a central part of our work on the island. We file objections against detention to the administrative court in Rhodes, interventions directly to the police, and claims to the Greek Ombudsman. We also strategically litigate illegal practices before the European Court of Human Rights.

On the mainland, we focus on the detention centres in the Attika region.

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About this project

Desperation in The Camp Vial Catharina Ziebritzki 2016
Desperation in The Camp Vial Catharina Ziebritzki 2016. Our Visual Policy.

Most legal remedies against detention in Greece require a lawyer, meaning that many people have no way to challenge their illegal detention. We try to tackle this severe issue by helping individuals submit claims against their detention before Greek, European, and international bodies. We also engage in advocacy to raise awareness about the practices and conditions in detention and work with other lawyers and actors to develop strategies against the detention.

Pre Removal Detention Centre on Kos Anonymous 2021
Pre Removal Detention Centre on Kos Anonymous 2021. Our Visual Policy

Focus: Vulnerable Groups

No one should have to live in conditions like those prevailing in Greece for people on the move. But some suffer in worse conditions than others: homeless women are particularly vulnerable, survivors of torture need special treatment, children have a right to school. Human rights apply to everyone. But vulnerable people are even more at risk to suffer human rights violations. The state has an obligation to provide them with special protection. We demand this and support (inter alia) persons with special needs.

Lines in The Camp Vial Jamie Kessler 2020
Lines in The Camp Vial Jamie Kessler 2020. Our Visual Policy

Since October 2021, we publish reports on detention practices and conditions inside the Kos pre-removal detention centre. This was the first full-length report ever issued on the subject and will be an important tool for challenging detention on Kos in the future.

Prison Cell of A Minor in Athens 2019 Anonymous
Prison Cell of A Minor in Athens 2019 Anonymous. Our Visual Policy
If you do not tolerate the injustice that people on the move face at European borders, donate to our individual legal aid projects.

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Equal Rights Beyond Borders consists of two separately registered legal entities in Greece and Germany.

Civil Non-Profit Company (AMKE)
Emm. Mpenaki 69A, 10681 Athens
+30 210 3803067, athens@equal-rights.org

Tax No.: 996887928, Tax Office: D’ Athens
Registry No. (GEMI): 151850501000
NGO Registry No.: ID 3058

Gemeinnütziger Verein (e.V.)
Zimmerstraße 11, 10969 Berlin

Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg
VR 35583 B