Our Projects

Improving Living Conditions

We monitor the increasingly dire living conditions of asylum seekers, both during reception and identification procedures and when they are placed in detention or in long-term accommodation facilities. We focus on the reception standards as granted under Greek and EU law, in particular regarding accommodation, healthcare, and the special guarantees provided for vulnerable asylum seekers.

We also monitor and report the situation of recognized refugees, as they face increasing challenges in terms of integration and access to social and economic rights.

The outcome of our research is used for strategic litigation and for reports submitted to national and international human rights’ bodies. All this adds up to putting pressure on the authorities to respect the rule of law: We urge the Greek State and the involved EU bodies to provide reception conditions in compliance with Greek and EU law and thereby prevent further human rights violations.

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About this project

Rubbish in The Camp Moria Joern Neumann 2020
Rubbish in The Camp Moria Joern Neumann 2020. Our Visual Policy.

While according to EU and national law, asylum seekers must be provided with reception conditions adequate to ensure a dignified standard of living, the situation in practice is quite different. Usually, asylum seekers in Greece face precarious conditions in substandard accommodation centers or are placed in detention centers. Through field visits and desk research, we identify and reveal administrative malpractices and gaps in the reception system. In particular, we examine whether the treatment of vulnerable asylum seekers amounts to inhuman or degrading treatment.

Camp Vial from outside Iskandar Nicola 2018
Camp Vial from outside Iskandar Nicola 2018. Our Visual Policy
Fire in The Camp Souda on Chios Anonymous 2017
Fire in The Camp Souda on Chios Anonymous 2017. Our Visual Policy

Recently, in 2021, we filed two reports to the Greek Ombudsman and requested his intervention for the lifting of all administrative barriers on behalf of eighteen asylum-seekers who faced obstacles in accessing asylum procedures and healthcare services. The independent body intervened and urged the authorities to comply with the law and accept the proposed suggestions, as well as to adopt a lawful practice for all similar cases.

Our research on Greece’s reception system facilitated the submission of objections to the observations of the Greek government for applications pending before the European Court of Human Rights. Our research also made it possible to submit letters to the Greek Asylum Service concerning the right to access public documents and the certification procedure of Victims of Torture.

If you do not tolerate the injustice that asylum seekers and refugees face at European borders, donate to our individual legal aid projects.

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