Our Projects

Challenging the Externalization of Protection

In 2016, we opened our first office on Chios to address the growing need for legal services for people on the move in the overcrowded "EU Hotspot" Vial. Since then, we have focused on challenging the unlawful living conditions and administrative practices in Vial, and in January 2021 we expanded the project to "EU Hotspot" Pyli on Kos.

We work to ensure that people on the move trapped in the "EU Hotspots" have access to the rights they are entitled to under EU and Greek law, including housing, medical and social services. We also advocate for clients to be moved from the islands to mainland Greece by applying to the Greek authorities for their transfer or submitting complaints before the European Court of Human Rights.

Since the EU-Turkey statement was signed in March 2016, the claims of thousands of asylum seekers have been rejected on the islands, on the grounds that they can allegedly be safely returned to Türkiye. We represent people on the move on Chios and Kos at every stage of the asylum and deportation procedure and challenge the administrative malpractices including the misapplication of the safe third country concept with a view to Türkiye.

We also report on the inhumane living conditions in the EU hotspots as well as on the illegal practice of rejecting people on the move in their asylum procedure without giving them access to a fair and thorough asylum procedure.

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About this project

Vial Hotspot after Fire Anonymous 2020
Vial Hotspot after Fire Anonymous 2020. Our Visual Policy.

Asylum seekers in the EU have the legal right to adequate living conditions and thorough asylum procedures. Most people in the "EU Hotspots", however, are denied these essential rights.

We work to address this severe human rights issue on several fronts. We represent individual clients at every stage of the asylum procedure to ensure that people have access to just procedures as well as legally granted economic and social rights. We also strategically litigate cases before European and international bodies to strengthen the rights of people on the move at Europe’s external borders, with a focus on conditions in the camps for survivors of sexual and gender-based violence, torture, or other forms of violence, and people with serious medical conditions.

Finally, we address the gap in reporting on the smaller islands like Chios and Kos by publishing reports on some of the most pressing issues people on the move face on Chios and Kos, including the conditions in the "EU Hotspots".

Miltarized Border at Evros Mustafa Nouh 2020
Miltarized Border at Evros Mustafa Nouh 2020. Our Visual Policy
Camp Moria Joern Neumann 2020
Camp Moria Joern Neumann 2020. Our Visual Policy

Since 2016, we have represented over 2500 people on Chios and Kos. 

We have also published several reports about the islands that have been used by numerous NGOs and lawyers to enforce people’s rights before Greek, European, and international bodies. 

If you do not tolerate the injustice that people on the move face at European borders, donate to our individual legal aid projects.

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Equal Rights Beyond Borders consists of two separately registered legal entities in Greece and Germany.

Civil Non-Profit Company (AMKE)
Emm. Mpenaki 69A, 10681 Athens
+30 210 3803067, athens@equal-rights.org

Tax No.: 996887928, Tax Office: D’ Athens
Registry No. (GEMI): 151850501000
NGO Registry No.: ID 3058

Gemeinnütziger Verein (e.V.)
Zimmerstraße 11, 10969 Berlin

Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg
VR 35583 B