
Vacancy: We are looking for Fellows for Fall 2023


Equal Rights seeks to sponsor a graduating law student or recent graduate for a public interest fellowship beginning in Fall 2023 to work with us for one year.
Kos Office - Aora Helmzadeh - 2022
Kos Office - Aora Helmzadeh - 2022. Our Visual Policy

Equal Rights seeks to sponsor a graduating law student or recent graduate for a public interest fellowship beginning in Fall 2023 to work with us for one year.

Equal Rights seeks to sponsor a graduating law student or recent graduate for a public interest fellowship beginning in Fall 2023 to work with us for one year.

Fellows will have the opportunity to work primarily on the islands of Chios or Kos with the possibility to spend some time in Athens. Sponsorship would be available for external fellowships such as Fulbright, school-based fellowships, and other international and human rights fellowships.

If you have any further questions, please do feel free to reach out to info@equal-rights.org.  
